Monday, November 09, 2015

Please join us for the opening of RGB – Diploma of Visual Arts Exhibition, this Wednesday 11th November from 5:30pm at the Front Room Gallery, 590-608 Hunter St Newcastle West.
The exhibition has prints, paintings, photos and sculptures from students in the Diploma of Visual Arts.

Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Workshop Week

Workshop week is off to a great start with Photomedia turning the studio in to a pinhole camera on Monday. This one day workshop involved students first making the camera and then creating images from inside and ended with turning the studio back in to a studio! Anyone can make a pinhole camera. All you need is some black plastic and a lot of gaffa tape.


Thursday, January 29, 2015

Galleries and Museums course

We are offering the CIV Library, Information and Cultural services course this year as a subsidised course.

This course is for those employed as assistants in, or working as volunteers in, an art gallery or museum.

The course provides broad skills, knowledge and understanding of museum and gallery practices to current employees, trainees or potential art workers in skilled technical, or supervisory support positions in museums or galleries.

You will undertake research on collections and objects, develop exhibition designs and displays and participate in public programs and other activities with a gallery or museum.

We hold classes on Friday from 9-4 and arrange for you to volunteer or otherwise work at a Regional Art Gallery, Museum or other suitable organisation.

We are holding an information session Thursday 4pm at the Hunter St campus, 590-608 Hunter St, Newcastle West.

Contact 49290315 or for further info.

Our exhibition curated by student in this course.